Metabolic assessment

VO₂ Master Analyzer

Resting Metabolic Testing (RMR)

No backpacks, cables, or hoses.

Filters ensure sanitation between users.

A stabilizing five-point harness increases comfort and accuracy.

At a weight of 200 grams, the device doesn’t hinder performance.

Performance Testing – learn more

Resting Metabolic testing

Accurate, comfortable and effective.

10-minute test + review of detailed report.

No nose-clips, hoses, or bulky equipment.

Take the guesswork out of nutritional planning.

We measure resting metabolic rate (RMR) precisely and affordably without any need for uncomfortable nose-clips or hoses.

By accurately testing RMR, you’ll gain the information and insight needed to develop a effective and customised weight management programs. 

The specific direction you need to truly achieve your weight loss goals.